Friday, April 17, 2015

This Is Not... This Is... A Common Denominator (TIN/TI #2)


THIS IS NOT the finished product

THIS IS the finished product  

It originally appeared in 1941 as an 
advertisement for refrigerators.

The Common Enemy  is the title given to the advert 
which is currently on exhibit in
a New York City art gallery

The hyperlink, without identifying the commercial artist,
will tell you more about the images
(but not  without assaulting you
with other imagery). 

(TIN/TI #3) is  here.



  1. Hey, Tinty! What? H-i-s-s-s-s-s-s!

  2. I was hungry for a new acronym
    as an alternative to a Rene Magreeting:
    This Is Not A Carrot
