Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A Song By Jonathon Richman About His Sense Of Humor


I got a  fine sense of humor 
but  she doesn't laugh at my jokes
well  I wake up great
my sense of humor really rates

I wake up hilarious
how come she's so serious

I think I'll call up 
somebody important
maybe sigmund frood
and say hello hello
I'm a hilarious dude

Well, did something in her childhood 
bother her bad, now? 

I think so!
cause like, I'm  really really funny
and it's just making her mad now

Jonathon  Richman,  a fellow Taurean,
is exactly two years minus two days
younger than Paul Oliverio.

I apologize for distorting his image
but that is just my sense of humor.

Bully on us! 


  1. I had a fine sense of humor
    but he chooses to not get my jokes
    he hears an insult with
    a dash of reproach
    fun deflated, funny be darmed,
    man rather be fumer
    and act like I've harmed

    1. TRUE:
      You have a fine sense of humor.

      NOT TRUE:
      You had a fine sense of humor.

      The recipient of this comment
      could easily have been
      the sender of same.

      Neither of us
      is as funny as
      Jonathan Richman.

      The previous sentence
      is only 80% true.
