Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Hummble H. Hummingbird And The Nest Outside Our Door


© Oliverio
Hummble was born
right outside our door.

Mother Hummingbird
built the nest unbeknownst
to us or any of our neighbors.

But, much to our delight,
Mother Hummingbird
provided aerial ballets 
daily for the past month.

Humbler H. Hummingbird—
Humblee's brother–flew the coop
moments before this picture 
was taken.

Humblee's maiden flight
began moments after
this picture was taken.

None of the family of three
has been seen since.

And hummingbirds do not leave
forwarding addresses.

The remains of the nest
remain intact and  is now
a local tourist attraction.


  1. Humbert Humbert at least let the youngins'
    sleep through the night.
    So that they had the strength
    to happily take flight.
    I'm jealous!

  2. And Lolita–his human bird,
    not to be confused with our hummingbirds–
    ultimately, did take flight.
