Friday, December 22, 2017

#33's Whorehouse Joke Inspires #45 Who Is The Ultimate Madam


The 33rd President of the United States
was eminently aware that
the letters of
"White House" and "Whore House"
 are 80% identical.

The brothelized White House
of the 45th President caters only
to the highest bidders.

But sometimes #45
accepts payments from tricks
who grovel with ass-kissery. 

The next
GoFather/Trump page
is  here.

Make the it
into an or
the the white
becomes a whore! 


  1. Another relevant Truman quote:

    Suppose you were and idiot.
    And suppose you were a Republican.
    But I repeat myself.

    1. The real idiots are us:
      we voted the Republicans
      into office.

      An elected official,
      who makes stupid decisions
      that adversely effect the majority
      of Americans, is NOT AN IDIOT.

      He (or she) is a clear
      and present danger to our Society.
