Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Hypothesizing And Fantasizing About Tina Turner


© Oliverio

If Tina Turner
was shrubbery 
she would still glow

She would still have
a fire down below  

A Collage Of Cousin Joe


I may not be Montgomery Clift
But I've been from here to eternity
to find my place in the sun

Life Is A One Way Ticket

His birth name was
Pleasant Joseph

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

MAD Politics ... From Both Sides Now ... (Comic Relief #1878)


MAD Magazine

The next MAD Magazine page is
Somewhere else

The next GoFather/Trump page is

The song referenced in the title, 
sung by a beautiful  "cover girl"
is always worth a good listen
especially because
the singer did sleep
in the Lincoln Bedroom
while Bill Clinton slept
      under the same roof.      

Ode To An Unknown Artist And His Ephemeral Art


Artist Unknown

Did the artist
call you 
Mr. Stripey

No name
out of reach

Such is life
the beach

Flags were raised
you were born

Sand, art
nothing to scorn   

Saturday, August 26, 2017

From The SHOE MUSEUM But ... Not For Foot Fetishists Only


Meret Oppenheim
Mein Kindermadchen
(My Nanny)

To see more Oppenheim
artwork, please click

Shocking Discovery About Edvard Munch's The Scream


has determined that the original title
of this famous painting 

A Day in the Life of a Married Man
Edvard Munch 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Please Please Please ... Help Cure My Chapter -2-itis


I consider myself a great novelist
If only I could get past
the first chapter.

It most recently happened  a week ago

in an earlier incarnation, is nearly
seventy pages long but presently
it exists only as Chapter 1.

fits the same description.

A very early example
of this disease dates back
to February of 2013:

was subtitled Chapter 1
but that is as far as it got.

The following February, the same fate 
(minus the subtitle) befell

The question arises:
How can YOU help me
overcome the disease of

All you have to do is read
what each of the links provide
then respond—on this page—
to the ones (hopefully all of them)
that you like and want more of.

Even if you have to pretend
to like them, you may also
pretend to hold a gun
to my head to get me
off my lazy ass and
finally complete
the stories or,
at least, write
Chapter 2.    

Nervously, In The Dream, I Awaken


© Oliverio

Nervously, in the dream
I awaken in front of a wall:

The bricks had not been
glued together

Nervously, in the dream
I just escaped death
by collapsing bricks

Only to learn
each brick was
a solid gold bar


CarPeo Set Piece #74 ... August 6, 2017 →The Droolsweeper


© Mrs. CarPeo
The man with the broom

He looks disinterested
but his important work happens
after the greatest excitement occurs
for Angel Stadium fans.

That excitement has nothing
to do with what
the Angels baseball team
does on the field.

It happens when
the girls appear on the sidelines
with guns and hot bodies.

The guns shoot t-shirts
into the stands.
The girls also throw baseballs
to the fans.

After the hot bodies leave the field
and after the game ends,
the man with the broom
goes up into the seating sections
and cleans the drool left behind
by all the fans who dreamt
of the  "Strikeforce Girls"
removing their own shirts
(and shorts)
instead of shooting
stupid t-shirts
into the air.

The next
CarPeo Set Piece


Either Whie Driving Or Looking In The Mirror


Harry Nilsson

Driving along you can spot all the problems
on faces so tired of facing each other
Each day they grow farther
and farther away from each other

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

1960 Song Predicting Donald Trump


You talk too much
You worry me to death
You talk too much
You even worry my breath

We are not nation building again.
We are killing terrorists.

The next GoFather/Trump page is

Broadening [HKu #43]


Travel broadens the mind.
Lack of travel broadens

BROADENING  is the copyrighted property
of the  Lewis Carroll School of Logic.

The next GoFather Haiku page is

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Un-Titled [HKu #42]


It is not impossible
to hate loneliness
and love solitude. 

UN-TITLED  is the copyrighted property of LCSoL.

The next GoFather Haiku page is

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Imaginary Number


“Iiiiiits fakkkk toreee tiiiime.”   

Her words were muffled by a mouthful of chocolate zucchini pancakes. 

All I could say was Dominus Vobiscum. I bowed and the spatula in my hand made an air crucifix: vertical from head to waist then horizontal from shoulder to shoulder.

All Caroline could say was Dominuth Nabithco Crackers.

The patented Chocolate Zucchini Pancake recipe is the reason I rise with the Rooster on Sunday mornings. But it is his mother who gets him—and her—back to sleep. 

We will celebrate his birthday this week. 

Raymond “The Rooster” Samuels will be one hundred days old on Wednesday. His mother will place one hundred imaginary candles in a bowl of pastina.

I rise with the Rooster on Sunday mornings in August.
It was 5:15 AM and the birthday boy and my smarter half will sleep until the other half of the Samuels family returns from White Sulphur Springs.

The kitchen became my temporary kingdom: I sliced and diced a zucchini, a Hershey bar and tofu but the walnuts were minced pre-packaged nuts. 

All of this gets blended into a Duncan Hines Pancake mix.

After her father repeats the name Nina Simone three times, Caroline strolls into the kitchen. My ten year old daughter will not speak until there is food in her mouth.
I prefer it that way because ignoring her is the best cure for a hangover. But after she says “Iiiiiits fakkkk toreee tiiiime” she washes the dishes, gets dressed...then we drive sixty-one miles across state lines.

We live in Virginia where the churches do not welcome a Christian man married to a Jewish woman. Especially if the man believes a Bible is less important for his children than Alice In Wonderland.

Even more so when the Jewish woman is half-black.

But St. Charles Catholic Church in White Sulphur Springs does not require me to fill out a questionnaire before sitting in a pew. The church is in West Virginia. It is sixty-one miles from Livingston, VA. Most of those miles are driven in cruise control. The rest of them are descended from Blue Ridge Heaven.
For the entire distance, I am an audience of one but the performer, charismatic Caroline Samuels, speaks without food in her mouth.

Unusual ideas naturally descend from the mouths of babes when the first bedside book read to the babe is The History of Math and Religion. 

But the book was read by the author (Arlisha Rosenblatt Samuels) or the author's husband (me.)

Pythagoras was pre-eminent in dovetailing
Math and Religion when he postulated
the simple Geometric truth:  
The shortest distance between
any two points is a straight line.
His followers visualized the Gods
looking down on earth where all humans
were mere dots, that is, points on a surface.

The straight line symbolized communication
but the cultural result of the Pythagoreans'
existence was extermination. 
Each and everyone of them 
was slaughtered by a mob of plebians.

Five hundred years later,
Jesus Christ used the word
Love instead of Communication
Effectively, he said 
"All you need is love"
and he too was exterminated. 

Nearly two thousand years after that,
John Lennon used music (which is merely
the most beautiful form of applied mathematics)
to convey the same thing. 
He too was exterminated.

The History of Math and Religion was on the New York Times bestseller list for more than a year. The author and her husband agreed to not have another child but when we celebrated Caroline's ninth birthday in White Sulfur Springs, Raymond was conceived.
Be that as it may, the Sunday morning audience of one had his car in cruise control and his ears were wide open. The performer explained what she meant by her pancake flavored phrase: "fakkkk toreee tiiiime."

We are going to one of the factories that mass produces spiritual comfort. Many of these factories are Christian, others are built for Buddhists or Jews or Hindus. They are called churches or temples or mosques. The mass quantity of people who visit these factories are all in need of the same thing: spiritual comfort.

Like automobiles and air conditioners, spiritual comfort is a product but it is not produced by an assembly line. It is produced by the aura of the church or the temple. It is delivered instantly to the customers who are better known as the congregation. There is no middleman and  payment is determined by how much you put into a collection plate or basket.
There are basically three factory bosses but we never see them. Their foremen–or forewomen–are called pastors or rabbis. They tell us stories about their bosses, whose names are Buddah, Allah, and ..."

"Jesus," says the man in the audience.

"Correct, he is our chosen Boss. Did you know that he had an agent
  named Otto who believed a wardrobe change was necessary."

"Otto? Never heard of him."

"Otto became his agent when Jesus was a teenager, walking around
 with his posse..."

"Don't you mean disciples?"

"Whatever. Jesus famously wore yellow bloomers."

"I thought only girls wore bloomers."

"I'm glad you're still capable of thinking, Daddy."

"Thank you, Caroline." 

"Anyway, Otto said to Jesus: Lose the bloomers, Jake 
 Wear this loincloth. History will treat you much better."


"That was Otto's pet name for Jesus."

"Did Jesus have a pet name for Otto?"

"Yes. He called him Toe. As in,
  Toe, which way do I go?"

"What the hell did that mean?"

"Golgotha might have been a NO-go-tha,
  if it weren't for Otto."

"I know Golgotha is where the crucifixtion
  took place but what did Otto 
  have to do with that?"

"The Crucifixtion nearly took place,
  somewhere south of Jerusalem but
  Otto objected because the image
  of Jesus carrying the crucifix
  would have shown Jesus' weak side."

"Weak side?"

"Yes. The public was better off not seeing
  the side of Jesus' face that had acne.
  Jesus might not have looked like 
  a savior if he had too many zits."

"What are you going to tell me
  next: Pontius Pilate wanted to give
  pimple cream to the executed man?"

"Maybe I will tell you about that
  next week but the church is too close
  to hear to begin that story."


THE IMAGINARY NUMBER is the copyrighted property
of the Lewis Carroll School of Logic.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Photoverio © (#266): The Rose Knows


© Oliverios
The Power of Pink

CarPeo Set Piece #73 ... August 6, 2017


© Mrs. CarPeo 
Sunday at Angel Stadium

The next
CarPeo Set Piece
(also from Angel Stadium)

Friday, August 18, 2017

CarPeo Set Piece #72 ... En Route To Apartment G


© Mrs. CarPeo
Through the garden slowly

The next
CarPeo Set Piece

Thursday, August 17, 2017

I Do Feel The Same Way About Your Post-Humous Novel, Ernest


"How are you? Are you all right?"

"Very well. I'm reading this book."

"How is it?"

"I can't tell you til day after tomorrow. 

I'm reading it slowly to make it last."

The Garden of Eden

Hemingway died in 1961.
This book was published
in 1986.

The quote is from p.170
of this edition.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

CarPeo Set Piece #71 ... Thermal Attraction


© Mrs. CarPeo

He was with another Woman,
so I shot both of them
and thermalized the evidence 

The next
CarPeo Set Piece

CarPeo Set Piece #70 ... Her Hat + My Leg


© Mrs. CarPeo

Sunday at the Ballpark

The next
CarPeo Set Piece
Between the two of us, fifty pictures
were taken at Angel Stadium on August 6, 2017.

My two favorite pictures are this one
and that one.

Both images emphasize
our party of three
and de-emphasize
the action on the field.

So be it.

Otherwise Known As ... Just Admit You Did Something Stupid


The only thing worse than behaving
 irrational and erratic
is believing your behavior 
is rational and perfectly

The subtitle of this page is
 "THE 80th BULLET" 
and it is the copyrighted property of  LCSoL.

Only the first 45 Bullets are linked together
because we do not want to make life easy
for our favorite thieves.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Somewhere Under And Somewhere Within


© Mrs. CarPeo
is Paul

© Oliverio
a guitarist is
frozen in time 

From An Essay About Scott Fitzgerald


The best writing
never makes the reader feel
like they’re reading. 

It gives them an experience,
transports them,
black ink on white parchment
acting as teleporter to new realms,
feelings, emotions, truths.

Paging F. Scott Fitzgerald:
Please Rescue Modern Fiction

The next Fitzgerald page


Poorly Quality Reproductions From The MADropolitan Museum


by  James Warhola
Sandro Botticelli

by  Roberto Parada
Johannes Vermeer

by  Mark Fredrickson
Andrew Wyeth

High quality reproductions
available from
MAD Magazine 
October, 2017

The next GoFather/Trump page is

Friday, August 11, 2017

If And When It Happens [HKu #41]


When money is staring
you in the face,
don't give it
the evil eye.

is the copyrighted property of LCSoL.

The next GoFather Haiku page is

Thursday, August 10, 2017

About That Wallpaper in Woody Allen's Stardust Memories


This is a scene from
Woody Allen's film
Stardust Memories

That is a partial list 
of the cast from

The surrealistic and psychedelic 1968 film about the  Monkees 
was co-written
by Jack Nicholson.

Because HEAD features
actual footage of that 
shocking image from 
VietNam, the names of 
both executioner and 
the executed are listed.

Both HEAD and Stardust Memories, however, qualify as comedies.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Sheep Talk (Comic Relief #1854)


Dave Coverly

Chair And Share Alike ... [ pST #23]


Reading the fine print

© Oliverio

This must be Love
A sentiment so nice,
it is written thrice

The next 
Superimposed Text page

The p in the title
stands for

Miller's Analogy Test Question For The MODERN STUDENT


Anger is to Intelligence as:

A)  Sunshine is to an ice cube
B)  Sunshine is to an ice sculpture
C)  Sunshine is to ice
D)  Any of the above 

: : : : : : : :

The MODERN STUDENT is defined
as one who is easily offended
by incorrect answers.

The  MAT  is to the SAT
as  Lightning  is to the Lightning Bug.

Photoverio © (#265): The Former Gas Mask Said ...


© Oliverio 

We can't go on meeting like this

The next
"We can't go on"
page is

Monday, August 7, 2017

See No Evil (Comic Relief #1850)


Winsor McKay

To measure the influence
of Mr. McKay on
modern comic art 
is to measure
an interplanetary

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Take Me Out To The Ballpark


Play on, sweet Lord
the tune I
once knew as

On a field
twixt two 
white lines

The names change
and always the score
has one with less
the other, more

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Pigeon English ... Remembering Lost Love Ones [ pST #22]


© Oliverio 
For  those
who have forgotten
the Exxon Valdez 

The next 
Superimposed Text page

The p in the title
stands for

Friday, August 4, 2017

One More From The NEZ ... With Chopsticks And A Backbeat


Chow mein and bowling
Twinkies and champagne
Moon over McDonald’s
Frozen pizza in the rain
In the rain

Dancing in the dump truck
Dining with the dog
Laughing in the bathtub
With a ducky and a frog

Stake me to an anthill
Shoot me to the moon
Without you I am no one

Like a burger with no bun
I can’t go on


Thursday, August 3, 2017

From The Seal Beach Pier ... [ pST #21]


© Oliverio
Rod and Reel
and Rodrigos

The next 
Superimposed Text page

The p in the title
stands for