It began as the GODFATHER OF MATH, evolved into the GOODFATHER OF MATH. Now this. Go figure...

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = G. CARLIN...Stain glass, engraved glass, frosted glass
–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES ... Music is the mathematics of the gods=PYTHAGORAS ... Nothing is more fluid than language = R. L. SWIHART
I cannot live without the oxygen of laughter = DAWN POWELL ... !!! ... But laughter cannot survive without the hydrogen of gravitas = PAUL OLIVERIO

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Heavenly Dispensation And MLB Play-offs


As all good readers
of these pages know by now,
GOD is an acronym for 
Group Of Deities
They all go by different names,
according to their 
"earthly followers"
but each is also referred to as
"God," occasionally
Buddha, for example,
is also known as Bud,
Buddy, or God
Allah is also known as
Al, Sandy, Dezi,
or God
 each and every divinity
fixates on baseball
more than any other sport,
despite the athletic priorities/talents
of their earthly believers
It is the only team sport
requiring constant thinking
on a most critical level
the G.O.D squad
does twenty-four seven
but not while eating pizza 
The New York Mets
have been trumpeting 
as a mantra for their 
pursuit of the 
The "Gods" above
are in agreement:
NONE of them
can be addressed as "God"
until that accomplishment
Does this mean Japanese deities
are rooting against
Shohei and the Dodgers
You bet your ass they are
Mullahs are munching
on peanuts and beer
Eleanor Roosevelt
has her own cheering booth
© Oliverio ©

A Song Written By Eddie Brigati + Felix Cavaliere


But spotty in tree places                                     © Oliverio



A Presidential Election Is Twenty-Three Days From Today


Caution: grafter's message may precede video

Saturday, October 12, 2024

"Fr. George Has Been A Priest For 36 Years" ... HOWEVER


On July 1, 2018
became the Pastor
at a Catholic church
in Long Beach
If his ego was beyond measure,
we could sell
"I love Father George"
and there would be 
at least
1000 sales
His sermons are essentially
the same as my uncle's
but "Fr. Frank Oliverio"
had a bedroom voice
and was the opposite of shy
That is a word that
Father George
has repeatedly used
to describe himself
 explaining why
his image doesn't appear
on this page
this page exists primarily
because of a quote
 from the featured priest
who once 
[in private conversation]
described his fellow members
of the clergy as two types:
Those who love Baseball
and those in need
of enlightenment

It would be ridiulous
to name a baseball team 
 "the Priests"
but we do have "the Padres"
who hail from San Diego
and were stunned 
into nothingness
by scoring zero runs 
The team proved
that it is Fool's Gold
to bet against
the Los Angeles Dodgers
on their inexorable march
to the  

Friday, October 11, 2024

Arbitt And Castelli ... 21st Century Songwriting Team ... 1st Page


Suffice it to say
these pages are dedicated to 
the 20th Century "comedy team"
responsible for 
which I have known 
for too many years to count
but that is exactly 
what it is about
The video might commence
with a deleteable advert
To Be Continued 

The Art Of "My Big Brother" On My Big Sister's Birthday ... #2


CONSCIENCE BAY               Setauket, New York


The Art Of "My Big Brother" On My Big Sister's Birthday ... #1





Modern Dancing
In the words of Wanda...

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Flipping A Coin (Comic Relief #5971)



Shadow, Trisected Angle, Handlebar, Light Fixture, And Parallelo


PhotoVerio #773.5
Parallelo .... ???

Boldly Regarding The Countdown To The 2024 WORLD SERIES


Last night,
the Los Angeles Dodgers
the Philadelphia Phillies
and I am very
It is times like these
when I love baseball
more than I could 
ever love myself

"Make The World A Much Finer Place" ... With One Profanity


If people only came right out
and called each other
an s.o.b.
when they were just that.
It would make the world
a much finer place.
It was these martyrs,
these silent sufferers,
these decent, fine people,
these chin-uppers
 that gave selfishness
and crime
 a head start.

——Son Of A Bitch——

HOODA HELAMI's Bold Poem About Nice, Smiley People


Smiles made of plaster
can lead to disaster

They're seen
on faces 
in so many places

Soft, mushy, and sweet
—never hard—
but all they want
is your credit card

Alter Ego #142857

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The First Thirty Two Summers Of My Life


This beach was within
walking distance
from home

And after forty-three years
as a California resident,
hardly an hour passes
without thoughts

PhotoVerio #773: Sculptures Under Wraps


© Oliverio