It began as the GODFATHER OF MATH, evolved into the GOODFATHER OF MATH. Now this. Go figure...

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = G. CARLIN...Stain glass, engraved glass, frosted glass
–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES ... Music is the mathematics of the gods=PYTHAGORAS ... Nothing is more fluid than language = R. L. SWIHART
I cannot live without the oxygen of laughter = DAWN POWELL ... !!! ... But laughter cannot survive without the hydrogen of gravitas = PAUL OLIVERIO

Sunday, August 29, 2021

DJ-Oliverio Special Edition: Obscenity Prayer + Deleteable Advert



To Make A Quatrain ... Number Forty-Eight


To make a quatrain about  
Flip and Flop
Nobody's at the bottom
unless someone's at the top
is the copyrighted property
of LCSoL

Some italic couplets
were originally written
in the 20th Century
and copyrighted
under the title
The Neither/Nor Journal

The next page
in this series
is  here

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Photoverio #609: Exiting Still Life With Orange Bus And Ladder


© Oliverio

The Curved, Tangential Mind Of Lucia Santa Angeluzzi-Corbo


The year was 1928


© Autobiography Of No One In Particular © ... Another Chapter


Chapter 19
were not performing
in Long Beach
on August 29, 2021,
this page would not exist
I was offered a gift ticket
but I could not have
fully enjoyed the show
without the presence
of my better half 

So I beseech Pat Sayjack 
and Banana White
to spin the wheel of Time
and land on the date
of March 18, 1966

with two of my relatives
who lived outside of
Sometime during the week
leading up to
that concert,
my Mother found
a small manila envelope
which contained
what her son referred to
as "flavored foliage"
When she uttered
the immortal words
I am glad it was
grass and not pot,
everyone else in
our house laughed,
including my
9-year-old sister
My mother sought advice
from her sister
who told her
it was possible for Paul
to have fun
without being with 
his "hippy" friends
I don't know if 
my Aunt Jean
paid for the tickets
or my parents did
But the result was
seeing the Beach Boys
and their opening act
—the Lovin' Spoonful—
at Fordham University
in the Bronx
where my cousin Robert
was a student
I was there with
Aunt Jean
and my cousin Lorraine,
who would become
the most important girl 
for the first third
of my life
The grand mass
of marvelous memories
of that concert
cannot be measured,
despite the absence
of Brian Wilson
I bought a concert t-shirt
for Robert,
who chauffeured us
to and from the concert
On the ride home,
I asked Aunt Jean
if she was now 
a Beach Boys fan:
I will be
if you prefer me
that way
But that  Zal Yanofsky fella'
sure needed a haircut
He was the lead guitarist
of the  Lovin' Spoonful 
and the big shadow
of his thick shoulder-length
locks on the white wall
behind the stage
is as tangible to me
today as it was
fifty years ago
Three months
after the concert,
The Oliverio family
was in Rocky Point,
our summer home
We were eating a traditional
Sunday morning
home-made Waffle breakfast
started playing
on Paul Oliverio's
transistor radio
I turned up the volume
full-blast and had the audacity
to sing along
while Lynda and Judi
[as if on cue]
started dancing like go-go girls
Sam and Grace
just sat there eating waffles
but they did hold hands
until the song ended
 I wish they all could be
California Girls

The next chapter
is  here
The first chapters
of this autobiography
are  there 

Italic Poem With Big Font, Lower Case And Multiple Choice


i will change
the way i'm living
do more taking
and less giving
i will live
the way i'm changing
do less taking
and more giving
less hate
more love
i will do
none of the above 


Friday, August 27, 2021

When A Good Deed Is Sacrilegous


Donating clothing 
to the needy
is a good thing to do
but this is not
how you do it
© Oliverio

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

What MUSIC Is To Me, Myself And I


is the motor
that lights up
my inner dance floor
where my feet are always
moving in time,
regardless of
what type of music
is playing

As for the rest of my body,
it will be dancing
if I am in
the right company
and there is actual 
floor space

The Most Important COMMA In The Hail Mary Prayer


I do not want to sound
too Catholic
so I am only going
to quote
two lines 
from the prayer:
Blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus
Ignoring that comma 
makes the second line become
of thy womb Jesus
and the word "womb" 
becomes an adjective
as in
thy tall Jesus
thy handsome Jesus
that comma is essential
as a moment of breath
and "thy womb"
is another name for
© PAUL OLIVERIO ©  _______________________________________________________________________________________________

The Favorite Place Of All Great Writers = W-L-And-F


The Words-Lost-And-Found
is the shopping center
all great writers
throughout the world
 = = 
= =
Everyone, everywhere,
in every language
has something 
very profound
to say
more often than not,
the words 
get lost
the mouth
can transfer them 
into speech

all the great writers
of the world
are scavengers
 at the global outposts
which are the destination
of everything
This Lost and Found contains 
the profound words 
that never got voiced 
because someone else
couldn't say them

All the great writers 
take home these words
into their working studios
and sculpt them 
into that thing we call


Inspired by

What Does THIS Have To Do With That ???


in the history of ART

This is a photograph by

 Few people would dispute
the "shocking brilliance"
of Nachtway 

But what does
the first image
have to do with 
the second image

The Answer:
Consider the third image:

Can you see how
that image
may have influenced
Nachtway's 1995 photograph
from Chechnya?

The third image
was photographed
in 1945

Those are her lips
in the first image
which was created by
in 1933
was Man Ray's 
and then equal 
in popularizing
James Nachtway
would only slightly object
to the title of
"war photographer"
But despite what he may
say or not say,
an artist of his stature
does not forget his influences
and inspirations
to describe Lee Miller
as a "war photographer"
shortchanges her talents
Let me go on record
as saying the following
(and welcoming any disputation):
No woman,
in the history
of life on Earth,
has contributed more
to the world of Art

©© Paul Oliverio ©©

Monday, August 23, 2021

Sage Advice (Comic Relief #4021)



The First Wheelie (Comic Relief #4020)



A Poem Pasted Together By J. I. KLEINBERG


Published in  UNLOST JOURNAL #26

Song List #HoosCountin' ... Across The Aisle


w/ 1 typo + 1 deleteable advert

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Don Everly , Rest In Peace, The Entire World Will Miss You


If the custom-designed suits
worn by you and your brother, Phil,
were designed by Joe Anastasio
Tell him his Idiot grandson sends his love

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Photoverio #608: Mating Season


 © Oliverio

Photoverio #607: From Somewhere In New Mexico


© Oliverio

Lee Miller + Rolling Stones' World War Two Victory Song =


The song,
with deleteable advert
 is from

War Photographer = LEE MILLER
Page Subtitle = DJ-Oliverio McHistory Edition 

Friday, August 20, 2021

The Kind Of Person You NEVER Want To Know


When she dies,
Satan will cheer
and welcome her
with a high-five,
luxury accommodations
and a corner office
But an executive assistant
of Hell
will be out of a job

There Are Times When Gray Is A Primary Color


Photoverio #606.5

2(Kerry J. Marshall) + Maybelle Smith - 1 Deleteable Advert =


DJ-Oliverio Special Edition

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Photoverio #606: Bleached And Choreographed


© Oliverio

Music, Architecture And Me


is the roof
over my head
Music is the floor
under my feet
The shades on my windows
to keep out
the ugly realities
of the world
is my architecture
is the copyrighted property
of LCSoL

Hey, Abbott ... Irony is Wearing High-Heel Sneakers


The last hyperlink
has a deleteable advert 
and is well-worth the wait  

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A Curvaceous And Complete Fable By ITALO CALVINO



Music, Architecture And GOETHE


is liquid architecture
is frozen music


Monday, August 16, 2021

The DISINVITADOS From A Former President's Birthday Party



Sunday, August 15, 2021

A Stupid Poem With A Deleteable Advert


It is time
for a stupid laugh
I would be
me and a half
with a reduced fraction
from Jimi Hendrix 

© Autobiography Of No One In Particular © ... 2 More Chapters


Chapter 17
The older you get, 
the more you need to
sneer at the calender
Think of death 
as just another
marketing device
A product whose purchase
is unavoidable
but let every
disdainful sneer 
be another pump 
of air into
whatever bicycle of life
you are still riding
It doesn't even
have to be
an actual
goddam bicycle
Chapter 18
If God
did not have 
a sense of humor,
there would be no such thing
as mosquitos
If I didn't have
a sense of humor,
there would be no such thing
The Godfather of Math Trilogy 
Parts 4, 5, 6, 7
not excluded
I have a need 
to write more 
on this page
while comfortably ensconced 
on my patio
but I just had another
goddam mosquito bite
on my left ankle
Mrs. No One In Particular
has just cooked
some of her
French Toast

The next chapters
are here
The first chapters
of this autobiography
are  there 

Photoverio #605: Old Man Still Breathing And Alive


© Oliverio

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Thinkers And Stinkers (Comic Relief #4001)



A Faulty Reproduction Of An Extremely Important Image


Vanity is wearing high-heel sneakers
when I see the reason 
I still have more hair
on my head
than most 72-yr-old men
and it is still as wavy
as the hair on top
of my Father's head
in this 1943 image



Friday, August 13, 2021

When Sunflower Plants Lose All Their "Color" ...


... They still have ...
... a lot of personality ...
© Photoverio #604.5 ©