Ten cars dominate
the foreground of this image.
each of these vehicles transported
sixteen hundred passengers
not six in each car
not sixteen in each car
sixteen hundred
in each car
You would have to stretch
your imagination beyond infinity
to envision this possibility.
Pretend you could see this happening
in July, 2018.
The total human population
of this hallucination would,
however, be less than
the actual number of passengers
transported together
across the Atlantic Ocean by
of this image.
Actually that happened
in July, 1943
World War II was in peak form
at that time and the Queen Mary
had been put into service.
the Queen Mary was neutered
with a fresh coat of drab grey paint
and transported soldiers into battle.
In the course of the war,
hundreds of thousands
of soldiers were ferried
across the Atlantic
on the numerous
military missions
of the Queen Mary.
In July, 1943
a record was set
when a total of 16,683 people
sailed across the ocean
on the QM
There is nothing hallucinatory
or photoshoppy about the image below
from seventy-four years ago.
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