It began as the GODFATHER OF MATH, evolved into the GOODFATHER OF MATH. Now this. Go figure...

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = G. CARLIN...Stain glass, engraved glass, frosted glass
–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES ... Music is the mathematics of the gods=PYTHAGORAS ... Nothing is more fluid than language = R. L. SWIHART
I cannot live without the oxygen of laughter = DAWN POWELL ... !!! ... But laughter cannot survive without the hydrogen of gravitas = PAUL OLIVERIO

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Photoverio #338: Left And Right Reunion


This trompe-l'oeil was photographed
by Paul Oliverio and is the copyrighted
property of LCSoL

Photoverio #337: No Place Like Gnome


© Oliverio
Milan, 2008


With An Apology To The Pigs (Comic Relief #2486)


Michael Ramirez

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Ninety Degrees Of Separation


the martial  arts and the marital  arts 
are a two-letter inversion
of each other.

they are a ninety-degree rotation
of each other.

—in the martial arts—
there are two bodies in combat.
—in the marital arts—
there are two bodies in communion.
The former has one winner.

The latter has two winners
(we hope)

It is the whimsical geometry
of contact sports
(and the alphabet)

Originally written in 1999,
is the copyrighted property of LCSoL


Photoverio #336: Seduction Scene


© Oliverio
What a Sharpie!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Modern Times (Comic Relief #2483)


Leo Cullum

Rorschach #24 ... It Makes Me Want To Play Piano


© Oliverio
If Mike Ambrosia
accepts our piano,
I'll knock 'em dead

The next GoFather/Rorschach
page is

She'll Do The Cropping And The Carolizing


If visitors to Yelpsylvania
discover a five-star
reference to
I will attest to its accuracy

I will do
my own editing
on one of these

Another DJ-Verio Playlist ... #142857 ... Staring In The Teacup


When you wake up in the morning
And can't seem to raise your head
You sit staring in the teacup
At the egg upon your bread
And the life that you are living
Doesn't seem to be quite real

Only The Blues
The link may include
a deletable advert

Monday, September 24, 2018

Prickly And Tickly, The Choirmaster Proclaims ... [ pST #40]


© Oliverio
The Evergreen Choir


The next 
Superimposed Text page

The p in the title
stands for


Sunday, September 23, 2018

Not Racist: This Is Accurate, Politically Incorrect, (And Funny)


People I know come up and say:
What color is Vladimir Guerrero?
Is he a black player?

I say,
Come on, he's Dominican.
He's not black.
As African-American players,
we have a theory that baseball
can go get an imitator
and pass them off as us.

It's like they had to get
some kind of dark faces,
so they go to
the Dominican or Venezuela
because you can get them cheaper.

It's like, 
Why should I get this kid
from the South Side of Chicago
and have Scott Boras represent him
and pay him $5 million when you can get
a Dominican guy for a bag of chips?
... I'm telling you, it's sad.


This time of year,
all of us pathetic diehard Angels' fans
can do is dream of next year
when Torii Hunter will become
their manager and Vladimir Guerrero
will be their hitting coach

I would like to thank jPeggy
for use of
the teammate image

Friday, September 21, 2018

Plagiarism, Patriotism And MEgotism Egotism: A Quatrain


aMErica, aMErica
god shed his grace on ME
and crown my good with sisterhood
from ME to shining ME 

wrote the original America, America
in 1893
Paul Oliverio
gave it a makeover
in 1972

Thursday, September 20, 2018



North, South, East
and the rest

East, West, South
and so forth

South, North, West
and the least

West, East, North
and my mouth

Will now rest
will not move forth
will move the least

Will  I wash my mouth?


is the copyrighted property
of LCSoL

One Of My All-Time Favorite Wogging Moments


I called it wogging
because it was
a mixture of
walking and jogging

during a good portion
of my Jefferson HS days,
I wogged five miles
before the school day began

One particular morning,
(approximately 5AM)
I am about to cross
Buena Vista Street
at Verdugo Avenue,
but the light was red
and  a Burbank Police car
was about the cross
the same intersection.

So I jogged in place,
nodding to the officer.

But he  revved his engine
and went through
the red light,
giving me a thumbs up
while he did so.

Therefore, I jogged through
a red light
with permission
from a cop.
One block later,
I had to stop jogging
and begin walking
because I was
laughing so hard

One week later,
the same cop stopped me
for driving through
a red light

I reminded him
of our Buena Vista

He gave me a high five
instead of a ticket


Photoverio #335: Another Thing About Those Woggers + Bikers


who has ever
walked or jogged
or bicycled
from the Queen Mary
to the mainland
this image
(though not in Black+White)

© Oliverio
Walking with the King 

I Read ART DAILY, Therefore I Now Know Of Lotte Laserstein


I read
today's ART DAILY
discovered another artist:


Anyone Who Has Ever Wogged Or Biked From QM To Mainland


who has ever
walked or jogged
or bicycled
from the Queen Mary
to the mainland
this image
© Oliverio
PhotoVerio #334.5

In August 2016, We Drove 2000 Miles Along I-40 From X To Y


After driving 800 miles
from New York
to North Carolina,
we drove 2000 miles

For every mile,
there is a mileage marker.

At every marker,
a photograph was taken.

≈ Two thousand photographs ≈
were statistically blended
and bleached
to produce
an average image
of the road

The average image
of the interstate
looks like this

It is a good thing
that trees do not vote
because no politician
would ever win

Trees outnumber humans
by at least 
five to one

If trees could vote,
the Rocky Mountains
would be President
or maybe
the Louisiana Bayou

Maybe it is not
a good thing
that trees cannot vote 
The second image
and all of the text
are the copyrighted property
of LCSoL

It Is All A Matter Of What The Eyes Can See


When there is a mountain
you cannot climb,
close your eyes
imagine it to be
a molehill
just step on it
open your eyes
ignore the mountain


is the copyrighted property
of LCSoL

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Photoverio #334: Existential Without Authority


I exist
I am

Both image and text
authored by Oliverio

The image is a garage sign
on Cerritos Avenue
just above Ocean Blvd

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Photoverio #333: This Beach Is For The Birds


© Oliverio
Peninsula, 2013

Monday, September 17, 2018

The Circle Game And The Mirror


When your social circle
has a radius of none,
there is always the one
better known as
is the copyrighted property
of LCSoL

Half of the title
comes from
this song

A rejected  title for this page was
Audience = Performer = 1 

She Will Tell You ... A Poem By Whatever My Name Is


She will tell you
the sky is orange
and convince you
not think otherwise

Once you are convinced,
she will  tell you
the sun is owned by Disney

"The sun does not set.
It undergoes nightly adjustments."

You will awaken
the next morning,
thanking God
the sun has risen
exactly the same
as it has done
every day of your life

But then you will have doubts

Maybe you should be
thanking Disney



is the copyrighted property of LCSoL

They Called Him Neverstu


Stewart Buckley was nicknamed
but the last syllable had nothing
to do
with the name Stewart

Neverstu was a gluing of two words:
the second of which
was missing a syllable

Stewart Buckley was  Never Stupid

He worked for a think tank called
Brains 'R Us
an affiliate of  Toys 'R Us

Think tanks like Brains 'R Us
are hired by governments or corporations
for very large sums of money
because they developed ideas
that mere mortals are incapable
of ever thinking

Stewart Buckley's intelligence
was a 24/7 concept

He used logic like a flannel blanket

Complex ideas were reduced to
soft and warm words
when explained by
Stewart Buckley

But when Toys R' Us went bankrupt,
the extraordinarily lucrative
Brains R' Us had the option
to survive independently
or dissolve its resources

It chose the latter and Stewart Buckley
—with immeasurable wealth—
retired at the age of forty-nine

When the company celebrated
his forty-eighth birthday
at the Waldorf-Astoria
on Park Avenue,
his colleagues surreptitiously
began plans to honor
Stewart's Big 5-0

They intended to rent a hotel
in Tahiti, occupied by no one
but employees of Brains R' Us
and serviced exclusively
by the beautiful natives

But Brains R' Us
was a thing of the past
by the time
Stewart Buckley
a fifty year-old


It wasn't until three days
after that landmark birthday
that Stewart realized
he was no longer
forty-nine years-old

He had been completely absorbed
in a postcard he received from AARP

He memorized it word-for word
and was utterly engrossed
by the special benefits
afforded those who
qualified for the
Association of American
Retired People

When he realized his birthday
had passed, he wanted to call
his girlfriend but he could not
remember her phone number

Nor could he remember the times table
or anything that involved
the smallest degree
of intelligence

However, he did always know
what time Dr. Phil
aired on his TV,
which took up
an entire wall
in his home

Stewart Buckley did not
believe in God but
was deathly afraid of Him

He believed in Dr. Phil
who was broadcast life-size
on the wall that Stewart
occasionally walked into
with gusto

That explains why Stewart's nose
was flattened and why
he walked around

He felt the same way
about Rachel Maddow
and Sean Hannity

Polar opposites
those two newscasters might be
but they fulfilled all thoughts
that might have evolved
in the days when
Stewart was never stupid

Stewart's lips were bloated
from trying to kiss
Rachel Maddow
and his hand swelled
from high-fiving
Sean Hannity

The danger of being intelligent 24/7
is the reciprocal moment
when the same thing happens
to ignorance

is the copyrighted property of LCSoL

We would like to thank
for use of his surname

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Photoverio #332: Red Hibbly Grows Two Horns Then Visits Rome


© Oliverio
The Dream of a Poorly
Photographed Red Hibiscus 

The 107th Bullet: Regarding The Ubiquitous THEY


When you don't get
what you want,
you might as well want
what they give you

is the copyrighted property of  LCSoL.
Only the first 45 Bullets are linked together
because we do not want to make life easy
for our favorite thieves. 

The 107th Bullet: Three Sees, Two Wants, One Do And One Do Not


When you do not see
what you want to see,
it is best to want
what you do see

is the copyrighted property of  LCSoL.
Only the first 45 Bullets are linked together
because we do not want to make life easy
for our favorite thieves.

But I will link you to
the second half of
this page 

Photoverio #332: Is That Her Cigaret Butt On The Sidewalk?


© Oliverio 
45th Street Above Madison

Photoverio #331: Hibby From The Top And Hibby From The Side


© Oliverio (2x)
Mrs. CarPeo, Art Director

To Be Deleted As Soon As Possible


I don't care
if the pictures stay
on this page
but that goddam beer gut
has to go

So I must say
1000 times:

I hate chocolate
I hate cheese 
I hate beer

I hate chocolate
I hate cheese 
I hate beer

I hate chocolate
I hate cheese 
I hate beer 
I hate chocolate
I hate cheese 
I hate beer

I hate chocolate
I hate cheese 
I hate beer 
I hate chocolate
I hate cheese 
I hate beer

I hate chocolate
I hate cheese 
I hate beer 
I hate chocolate
I hate cheese 
I hate beer

Saturday, September 15, 2018

The 106th Bullet: The Matrimony Of Nothingness


The King of Nothing
will not have to do anything
after finding
the Queen of Nothing

is the copyrighted property of  LCSoL.
Only the first 45 Bullets are linked together
because we do not want to make life easy
for our favorite thieves.

This bullet evolved from a conversation
this morning after which I was informed
that there exists a song
about the King of Nothing.

If you want to hear it,
click here. 

But, of course,
the song begins with
a deletable advert.

Friday, September 14, 2018

A Pic To Be Picked Up By Queen Yelpia


The grandeur of this still-life
is in the peppers whose wrinkles
would disqualify them
from professional
vegetable photo-sessions.
The dimpled eggplant
with flattened skin
and aged stem
would be trashed
by most photographers.
The apple, defiantly,
wears a label sticker.

It could have been
a very expensive dress
worn by a woman
obligated to show off
the label.

That happens in the real world.

This is not a photograph
of shiny, ebullient, seductive
vegetables and fruits,
accompanied by 
a mealy-mouthed foodie.

But I can guarantee you
that the resultant dish
created by Queen Yelpia
will have your taste buds
pirouetting with joy.


CarPeo Set Piece #81: The G-Spot And The Tall Nineteen


© Mrs. CarPeo 
A Set Piece on Steroids

The next
CarPeo Set Piece is

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Joan Didion Quoted Someone Else About ... Betting Odds


If you’re capable of being
glib and verbal,
the odds are you have
no idea what you’re talking about
but it sounds good,
whereas if you know
a great deal of what you’re saying
the odds are you can’t get
on a talk show because
nobody can understand you


quoted by Joan Didion



A Poem From China That Could Have Been Written Anywhere


Last year you went
with your troops
to Tibet.
And when your men
had vanished
beyond the city-wall, 
news was cut off
between the two worlds
as between
the living and the dead.
No one has come upon
a faithful horse guarding
a  crumpled tent or torn flag,
or any trace of you.
If only I knew,
I might serve you
in the temple, 
instead of these tears
toward the far sky.



Thinking of a Friend
  Lost in the Tibetan War    
