It began as the GODFATHER OF MATH, evolved into the GOODFATHER OF MATH. Now this. Go figure...

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = G. CARLIN...Stain glass, engraved glass, frosted glass
–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES ... Music is the mathematics of the gods=PYTHAGORAS ... Nothing is more fluid than language = R. L. SWIHART
I cannot live without the oxygen of laughter = DAWN POWELL ... !!! ... But laughter cannot survive without the hydrogen of gravitas = PAUL OLIVERIO

Friday, September 20, 2024

A Peter Blake-ish Found Piece Of Lost Art ... Page Six



NAKED But Found Piece Of Lost Art ... Page Five



Sgt. Pepper Oliverio Poetry With Price Tags



Sixteen-Year-Old Souvenir From ... MILAN, ITALY


 sang both
"Hear No Evil"

© PhotoVerio #768.5

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Please Don't Let Mrs. CarPeo Read This Poem


Fireman stop their trucks
to get one look at her
Her  soft  and single touch
makes mountain lions purr
She knows when truth is truthed
and when a lie is told
She excavates sadness
 and silver turns to gold
January 3, 1975
six beats to a line 

Good News About A Pathetic NFL Team From New Jersey


The New York Giants are an American football team
whose stadium is in New Jersey.
To describe the quality of their play
during the first two weeks 
of the 2024 NFL season,
the word "pathetic"
comes to mind
but I hate to think
that's the result of
the aging process: 
This football team is one year short
of its 100th Anniversary
as a sports entity,
winning eight NFL Championships
including four titles
   prior to the SuperBowl
One of their Hall Of Fame quarterbacks
is named Y.A. Tittle
  His birth name
[Yelberton Abraham Tittle]
has been a mantra to me
since his retirement
in 1971
And I am proud to post
today's NYTimes Spelling Bee
because "Tittle" was an acceptable word.
This enabled Mr. and Mrs. CarPeo
to reach the status of "Genius,"
an antonym of any accurate word
to describe the un-Tittled NFL team
with a stadium in


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Guns Are Everywhere (Comic Relief #5937)


+ a shot of my  Ego is  here

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Some Schools Invested Entire Year To Prepare For This Event


My students did not win
a ribboned prize
but did get
"Honorable Mention"
when the prizes were awarded
for a Saturday indoor audience
at USC of at least
5000 people

none of the titled projects
had more "legs" 
than what our students did
with the Richard Berry project:
three years after their presentation,
the late great CATHY NADLER
(our liaison with History Day)
was still presenting it to very large
and very interested groups of teachers

special gratitude to GINA LAMB + ROLAND GANGES

Slightly Tilted But Very SLANGOMETRIC ... + Most Necessary


And most necessary
to have "fun" with Math
and not fail it

Oliverio's Math students routinely had 
highest Jefferson HS scores 
on State-wide tests



From their album VOLUNTEERS

Monday, September 16, 2024

PhotoVerio #768: Shades, Shadows, Pinocchio Doll + Arch


© Oliverio

Well-Worthy Of Being Double-Posted ... McCarthyism



Sunday, September 15, 2024

Leaning Tower Of Pisa ... And The Pixilato Family


© PhotoVerio #767.5                      2008

Saturday, September 14, 2024

PhotoVerio #767: The BlackStar Of My Dream World


Eleanor G. CarPeo
© Oliverio

Friday, September 13, 2024

From Someone With A CODE NAME ... Plus Deleteable Advert


***  😱😱😱  ***

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Still Another Found Piece Of Lost Art ... Page 4





Jerome David SALINGER

Alternative Title Of That ... J.D. SALINGER Book



Truth intervention:
this book is from
the Long Beach Public Library,
more particularly:
It is from the

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Updating Andrew Wyeth ... And Posted Annually On This Date


"Always Remember, Never Forget"
"After Christina's World"

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Hopefully Presdidential Debate Is Not Sponsored By The WWE


is the property of
a multi-billionaire
and most dubious associate
of Donald Trump

He is married to Linda McMahon,
a former professional wrestler
who was chosen by Trump
as a cabinet member
the Wrestling Rule Book
will not govern tonight's
Presidential Debate
between Trump

The Poetry Of The 87th Precinct


ED McBAIN                             Killer Wedge

Monday, September 9, 2024

... There Was A Russian Woman And A Flushing Sinner ...


And their Tennis skills 
just reached the highest honor
their sport has to offer
on American soil

are in order for


for winning
Tennis tournament
Flushing NY

Saturday, September 7, 2024

This Bullet Bears Repeating ...


Good artists borrow
Great artists steal
The best artists
are the ones 
most stolen from
Two English-language
writers for whom 
this is true

"Stealing" from Fitzgerald
requires stealth
 cunning and caution
because Great Gatsby's author
is a tad too famous
for some literary authority
to not notice
(unless he/she is the thief
or professor of same)
But the justifiable question is
Who the hell is 
Dawn Powell
To answer that question,
read any essay
 thank the late, great
Gore Vidal for unearthing 
her brilliant melange of
novels, short stories
and plays
He was also responsible 
for having her remains 
removed from Potter's Field
and given a proper burial
in Ohio, her birthplace
Just read
from this anthology
and you will understand
why this page exists
The only thing that demands 
Oliverio's copyright attention
is the three bold lines
subsequent to
"Great artists steal" 
Anyone wanting to 
quote any other part 
of this page
to promote
the quintessentially
Dawn Powell
deserves my gratitude

The Best Story Ever Written ... By HOODA HELAMI ...


Sorry but
that story
truly has 
nothing to 
do with this 
suspect page
Except for
using a 
title that
might make you 
think I'm a
but cute sage
Alter Ego #142857
w/3 Beats per Line 

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Indoor WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL ... With An Eight Pack


Imagine the Woodstock Festival
without mud 
but with
a near-perfect 
sound system
and a mind-boggling
A+ list of performers
including co-host
Chuck Berry

No need to imagine such a thing
because it actually happened
in December of 1964
 I present it
to you with 
eight rectangular images
two hyperlnks
***   !!!   ***

HOODA HELAMI Corrupts Cliches


Life is a game
of inches
and snitches
Alter Ego #142857

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Photograph Below May Be Subject To Litigation


I photographed the Grand Hotel in Milan 
and received email from them requesting
usage of the image on their website
I asked for monetary compensation
but they said NO
if you see the image posted below
on their website,
please notify me because I have
an Italian copyright attorney
who owes me a big favor 
© Oliverio                        December 2008

The End ... Is the Beginning Of This HOODA HELAMI Poem


The end
of monotony
is the beginning of fun
but if you step
on your toes
too many times,
your feet 
might seek
an attorney

Alter Ego #142857

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

PhotoVerio #766: Bluegrass Pasta


© Oliverio

A recipe was created 

by Patsy Cline.

She served it 

to her Black alter ego,

Billie Holiday

who liked it so much,

she bought a pair

of cowboy boots.


PhotoVerio #765: Dreaming Of Central Park + Schaefer Beer


© Oliverio

He Also Introduced A Dance Step To Long Island


In 1909, Chief Murfy Pequa organized a Lacrosse league
© Oliverio              photo + text
in Nassau County
on Long Island

This statue honors 
the Mohawk man
who also introduced
a popular dance to 
the white folks

3 steps forward
2 steps up
3 steps backward
2 steps up
and then
fall down

PROOF That Atwood Was On WBAI in July 2, 1973


 was interviewed 
in New York
on listener-sponsored radio,

She talked about 
her volume of poetry
"Power Politics"
and recited
To assure you
that the interview
was compelling
and controversial,
all you have to do
is read any of
[numbering 45
as of 2024]
and pray
  they do not 
frighten you

Her name appears mid-page

1968 Poem Read On Air At WBAI In 1973 ... Indigestible?

In restaurants we argue
over which of us will pay for your funeral

though the real question is
whether or not I will make you immortal.

At the moment only I
can do it and so

I raise the magic fork
over the plate of beef fried rice

and plunge it into your heart.
There is a faint pop, a sizzle

and through your own split head
you rise up glowing;

the ceiling opens
a voice sings Love Is A Many

Splendoured Thing
you hang suspended above the city

in blue tights and a red cape,
your eyes flashing in unison.

The other diners regard you
some with awe, some only with boredom:

they cannot decide if you are a new weapon
or only a new advertisement.

As for me, I continue eating;
I liked you better the way you were,
but you were always ambitious.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Also at WBAI In New York


At some point in 
the Nineteen Seventies,
I fell in love with 
one of their DJ's
and wrote her a lengthy letter
covering as many as
seventy subjects
When I next talked to her,
I asked her about the letter

she had received it 
and read it four times
without any comprehension:
"Then I realized
it was not worth
anymore of my time"

Where To Find Three Hazy New York Hippies In July Of 1968


On the Beach at Big Sur
Kevin O'Grady, me, Paul Gretschel