What a wonderful world
this would be
If I had ever actually met
Ella Fitzgerald,
Billie Holiday,
Dinah Washington,
Sarah Vaughan
[Cuz I dream Big]
to say
"I met Ella Fitzgerald"
is a partial truth
of a film entitled
A scene in the film
Steve Jobs
Bill Gates
dining in a restaurant
whose prestige is depicted
by having
singing in the next room
Of course,
it isn't the actual Ella
nor is it the
actual Jobs or Gates
The actress who portrayed
Ella Fitzgerald was
Not only did I know Cardella
but I gave her $500
to perform for students
at Jefferson High School
That money was raised
by the sale of 2000 donuts
on campus
Each donut
generated 25 cents profit
I had administrative approval
to sell the goodies
on campus
but I had to provide
the main office
with a free box
of chocolate cruellers
about this "corrupting" project
is that it would not exist
if it weren't for
If her musical career
had one-tenth
the brilliance
she demonstrated
at that concert,
her name would have
naturally fit in
the same prestigious
category of
Billie, Ella,
and Dinah
Page Five
is TBD