"Did you see what he did?"
"Oh boy, what did Marcel DuTramp do now?"
"Not him, silly. Our Creator–the Gofather–
he did a page on Marcel Duchamp's sister."
"Show it to me."
"Suzanne Duchamp, in theory...if Marcel DuTramp
is in fact the nephew of the surrealist artist...
could be DuTramp's mother."
"That sounds intriguing. So maybe the Poet Laureate
is not just spinning a lariat of a tale about his family."
"I found a drawing by Suzanne."

engaged in hearty conversation."
"Just like us."
"If you say so."
"And I will say something to DuTramp
about this."
"Good luck!"
For reasons too personal to mention, the pages of the HE SAID...SHE SAID
sequence are the only GoFather of Math pages written in a quiet font size.
Also, they are the only sequential pages to not be linked together.
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