It began as the GODFATHER OF MATH, evolved into the GOODFATHER OF MATH. Now this. Go figure...

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = G. CARLIN...Stain glass, engraved glass, frosted glass
–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES ... Music is the mathematics of the gods=PYTHAGORAS ... Nothing is more fluid than language = R. L. SWIHART
I cannot live without the oxygen of laughter = DAWN POWELL ... !!! ... But laughter cannot survive without the hydrogen of gravitas = PAUL OLIVERIO

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Auguste Rodin And Napolean Bonaparte ... Found In New Jersey


Rodin + Napolean

A bust of the French emperor
created by the master sculptor
faded into oblivion 
for eighty years
in a New Jersey
town hall only
to be discovered 
by chance*

*Chance was an art history student
named  Mallory Mortillaro

**Rodin and Napolean are now
on their way to  Philadelphia


  1. One August, on a road in New Jersey,
    napkinless P. O. leaned in to pick
    a bone apart so he picked up
    a little piece of ass-sistence
    to wipe his bro w and tossed it
    in the garbagé.

    1. The comment above
      is 30% pun
      30% true
      30% symbolic
      10% USDA mystery meat

      This comment has
      a 5% margin of error
