It began as the GODFATHER OF MATH, evolved into the GOODFATHER OF MATH. Now this. Go figure...

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = G. CARLIN...Stain glass, engraved glass, frosted glass
–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES ... Music is the mathematics of the gods=PYTHAGORAS ... Nothing is more fluid than language = R. L. SWIHART
I cannot live without the oxygen of laughter = DAWN POWELL ... !!! ... But laughter cannot survive without the hydrogen of gravitas = PAUL OLIVERIO

Saturday, March 21, 2015

4 Letters Of Alphabet = 9 Digit Bank Account


J Z  Jay Z has gotten tremendous mileage regarding the N-word.
Translating that sentence into  GodFather of Math  lingo... 
M (J + Z + N)  = a personal wealth exceeding $500 million 
where stands for Marketing**

The quote is from  here.
I do not mean to make light 
of the very controversial N-word. 

And I most sincerely appreciate that– 
partially due to Mr. Z's investment– 
The Great Gatsby  is more   
famous now than at any   
time in its history.  

Unfortunately, the author of the novel– 
F. Scott Fitzgerald–never achieved   
one thousandth of Z-wealth.*

The book is now ninety years old.  

Regarding the power of the N-word, this is what Mr. Z had to say to Oprah Winfrey:

For our generation, what we did, 
we took  the word and we took 
the power out of that word...
Ms. Winfrey is obviously not from the same generation but there is another book
that is slightly older than half the age of  Fitzgerald's novel 
that should have entered their discussion.

Dick Gregory

If only Mr. Z's "generation" was intelligent enough 
originally published in 1964.

The title of which contained 
more than the letter N

If only this New York Times-quoting 
white boy had the courage to present
the  cover image  of Mr. Gregory's 
life story with the author's quote.

Well...say hello to courage:


Update: February 2, 2015
Dick Gregory received a star on 
the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Update: March 21, 2015 
My first wish, at this time, is that Mr. Z enlightens his generation by making
a bio-pic of  a serious survivor of the Civil Rights movement:
eighty-five year-old Dick Gregory.

My second wish is that Jay Z has somewhere, somehow managed to say
that the  stands for Zelda, as in Zelda Fitzgerald.

But the fact is that over the span of his lifetime, the total taxable income
declared by Scott Fitzgerald was  $449, 713.

And the Market has a need for  Reciproculture.


  1. It is very daring and bold (and racist?)
    for you to spell out the N-word.

    1. I disagree.
      It could only be taken as "racist"
      if you take the quote out of context.

      The spelt out N-word was
      a brilliant marketing phrase used
      by the author of the Autobiography.

  2. This is Anonymous Art Critic #22
    but call me YEZ TURDAY

    I strongly object to Jay Z's claim about "our generation"
    doing something that clearly was done before,
    and selling a false idea of discovery through
    the vast cultural porthole of Oprah Winfrey.

    That sounds like someone saying:
    I drew a striaght line through the middle of a circle
    and created a brand new shape.

    As if the world had never heard of the word "diameter."
