It began as the GODFATHER OF MATH, evolved into the GOODFATHER OF MATH. Now this. Go figure...

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = G. CARLIN...Stain glass, engraved glass, frosted glass
–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES ... Music is the mathematics of the gods=PYTHAGORAS ... Nothing is more fluid than language = R. L. SWIHART
I cannot live without the oxygen of laughter = DAWN POWELL ... !!! ... But laughter cannot survive without the hydrogen of gravitas = PAUL OLIVERIO

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Seven Words From From The Eldest Of ... Seven Glass Siblings


Guilt is an imperfect form
of knowledge


Friday, August 30, 2024

My Impersonation Of A Poem By John Updike


My son's bicycle is
in the driveway
with a flat tire
but the air pump
is in the trunk
of his mother's car

The 1968 Red Corvette
 was part
of the divorce settlement


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Also Known As *** The Last Song Of The Century ***




New Yorker Magazine Dated ... OCTOBER 11, 2021 ...


I have seen 101
New Yorker Magazine covers
suitable for
museum display
but for 101
GodFather ofMath 
the cover pictured below
is my 
All-Time Favorite:
I might have featured 
this cover before
but if so,
I wasn't cognizant of 
the date of issue
which brings to mind
the following copyrighted quote:
October 11, 2021
was my sister Linda's
seventy-fifth birthday
Her 1975 death certificate
I see/hear/feel
my older sister's touch
as many as seventy-five times
on any given day
Like our parents
who graduated this earth
four years before she did,
it is impossible for me to miss them
because no trio of people
is more omnipresent to me
than them
The divine parallel
of Lynda's 75th birthday
and a magazine cover
helped to make
my 75th birthday
[May 18,2024]
the happiest day
of my Long Beach life 
thanks to 
five hours of 
with friends and family
the glorious generosity
and warmth
of Mrs. CarPeo
One of those conversations
was with my living sister
about whom 
I will say
nothing more than
she is sixty-eight
going on thirty-seven
even when she is in the presence 
of her six grandchildren
Wherever she goes,
chiropractors work overtime
because countless men
are turning their heads
much too quickly 
just to get 
one look at my
"little sister"
Cover Artist = Luci Gutierrez  

A List Without Liszt For Obvious Reasons


Franz Lizst is not included
on this hazy list

because the names you see are
Mathematicians not Musicians
appears but his name is unlisted
In the history of Numbers...
No other Mathematician
influenced me as much as 
Professor Dodgson
but not because
of what he did with chalk
on a blackboard
His boss at Oxford University
requested  Dodgson spend a lazy afternoon
on a canoe with (amongst others)
the Dean's daughter—Alice—
and out of thin air
Professor Dodgson 
created the story of 
But more than one canoe ride
was necessary to meet the satisfaction
of the very curious child
who was capable of getting
"curiouser and curiouser"
However, Dodgson did not want 
the world to know an Oxford "Don"
(on a canoe with the daughter of his boss)
was the story teller so Dodgson
created the name Lewis Carroll

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

100% Italian-American Chameleon


I am a Bronx-born
second generation
and mighty gosh-darn 
proud to be so

the best part
of my professional career
as a math teacher
occurred in 
South-Central Los Angeles
when I morphed into
a half-Black

Monday, August 26, 2024

Another Found Piece Of Lost Art ... Page 3


Profile In Blue

St. Thomas Quaid


He looks down upon
© Oliverio
the sky and the sea,
the birds and the three
men walking on the beach
He makes the clouds dance
the wall bleeds cement
and he knows 
when you are surfing
The verse above
is merely poetic praise
for a person whose generosity
and kindness defied 
human capacity
In seventy five years,
I have encountered countless
people who believed strongly
and sincerely in generosity
unless it was  a bad day 
when they are more likely 
to bite people
than to help them
But Tom Quaid never had such days
To qualify someone for Sainthood,
there must be evidence of a miracle
Seven days a week,
he went to church
Six days a week, Tom Quaid
carried a big fat wad of bills
in his pocket

But not on Sunday
because that is when countless Catholics
would have sucked dim dry
Tom Quaid was better known
and better loved than all the Priests
at St. Anthony RC Church in Long Beach
On Sundays, Tom was a Eucharistic Minister
meaning he administered the holy wafers
that are a symbol of the Lord's suffering
Here is the miracle:
A man known to have as much as $700 cash
in his pocket was never mugged, molested,
or stripped of his cash in a crime-ridden neighborhood
such as Downtown Long Beach

Gangsters of every race, color, and creed
ALL protected Tom Quaid from harm
in the fifteen years that I knew him
as a fellow volunteer in the Senior Center Library
Sounds like a miracle to me

Why There Is So Much Paranoia About ... Artificial Intelligence


The reason there is 
so much 
fear and paranoia
about Artificial Intelligence
is due to the fact
that we suffer from
a significant lack of
Genuine Intelligence


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Now That Their 2024 Presidential Convention Has Ended ...


Listening to President Biden at
the Democratic National Convention, filled me with 
a sense of pride
in being an American citizen
that—within memory—
I never felt so strongly
memory is not
the most trustworthy instrument
but what follows is fact:
It was flattering to receive texts
from both the President
and the Vice President
of the United States
but each one
(along with uncountably many others)
were treated equally:
they were automatically deleted
without opening     _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Friday, August 23, 2024

PhotoVerio #764: Let There Be Lights Rotated


© Oliverio

Thursday, August 22, 2024

World Series Prediction With Few Hyperlinks + Much Slanguage


Though it is impossible
to measure how much
"negative energy"
I have consumed
in rooting against
the baseball team
whose formative years
were spent in Brooklyn,

I predict 
the 2024 World Series
will feature 
the Mooky-fied Dodgers
 his cast of billionaires
the  Hank Aaron-named Judge
his modern Bronx Bombers
The 6th game
of the series
will result in enough tears
being shed on  Jerome Avenue
to drown all the fishmongers there
but will result in
the future President Harris
naming Shohei Otani
Baseball Ambassador of America
With the possible exception of
the Lakers-Celtics rivalry,
no other rivalry in
American team sports
has given the World
as much excitement,
blood, sweat, and tears
© Oliverio ©

You may disagree with
this prediction 
but please accept 
my advice and
do not waste a penny
betting AGAINST 
the Dodgers
until next season 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dedicated To Larry + Eleanor CarPeo ... (Comic Relief #5892)



RICHARD PRYOR Profundity ... Number 37


Two things 
people throughout history
have had in common
are hatred and humor

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Eight Thousand GodFather Of Mathing Pages ... Fully Agree


I regard autobiographies
as a pernicious form
of fiction

Salty Gigante + His Slugfest (Comic Relief #5889)



For Those Who Remember Macauley Culkin In HOME ALONE



"Vacation" Ends With Discovery Of Lost Art ... Page 2


Portrait of Oriolo Oxcart

"Vacation" Ends With Discovery Of Lost Art ... Page 1


Charcoal Octet

Monday, August 19, 2024

Acrostic Neccessity


Now proclaim for your
Edification and my
Eternal happiness on this
Valuable departure
And most
Interruption from
Oliverio blogitude
NOW ...

Is There Any Religion For Which This Statement Is Not True?


Never in its whole history
has the Catholic Church
believed that poor people 
should do anything 
but go to church,
put money in the collection,
and do as they are told.
≈ ≈ ≈


Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Pair Of HOOSiers ... A/k/a ... 2 Photos From Neil Hoos



Saturday, August 17, 2024



Under the streetlight
me moans and he rants:
There is no Paradise
There's only Hell in hot pants

Alter Ego #142857

Bay Window Bandbox


© PhotoVerio #763.5

PhotoVerio #763: Midnight Foliage


© Oliverio

Your Programming Will Resume After These ... Messages


There is no more 
television advertising
we have Messages
about products
and services
to improve your life
and your lifestyle

How many messages 
will be delivered
before returning
to your program
is determined 
by how quickly
you reach for
your credit card
to improve your life
and your lifestyle

Friday, August 16, 2024

JOHN UPDIKE Poem ... Tilted, Transparent And Revelatory





Thursday, August 15, 2024

PhotoVerio #762: Spaghetti Tree


© Oliverio

Palmistry ... Palm Is Tree


©PhotoVerio #761.5

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

PhotoVerio #761: Midnight At Sea Level


© Oliverio

PhotoVerio #760: The Lady In Blue ... In Waiting


© Oliverio         2017

The Glorious Moment Of ... Sonny Boy White


I gave a concert
by the sea
for the birds
and bees
and fronds
of palm trees

I blew hot
I blew cold
the harmonica was hummin'
no one in the audience
was human

But I could hear
fronds dancin'
birds romancin'

And what do you know
Everyone loved the show


© PAUL OLIVERIO ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Words Of Wisdom From ... THE BEACH


The pen is mightier than the sword
but no match for a gun
Student Demonstration Time

Monday, August 12, 2024

Quoting E. McBain ... A/k/a E. Hunter ... Born S. Albert Lombino


Life is always full of next chapters,
Some of them never written


The Pomposity Of This Phrase ... According To Hooda Helami


"As God is my witness"
is an obscenely pompous phrase:

—With all the insanity
this world has to offer—
it assumes "God"
is not busy enough
that he/she
is always paying attention
to YOU
and is always ready
to testify
on your behalf

© Hooda Helami ©
Alter Ego #142857

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Quoting The Godfather Of The Godfather


Never expect gratitude
from a donkey 
or a peasant


Double Tragedy


A canoe capsizes and a drowning man
sends out distress signals.
In a nearby canoe,
the man in control
covers the ears
of his four-year-old son
because the distress signals
contain four-letter-words.
The capsized man dies
and twelve years later,
the former four-year-old
commits fratricide.