It began as the GODFATHER OF MATH, evolved into the GOODFATHER OF MATH. Now this. Go figure...

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = G. CARLIN...Stain glass, engraved glass, frosted glass
–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES ... Music is the mathematics of the gods=PYTHAGORAS ... Nothing is more fluid than language = R. L. SWIHART
I cannot live without the oxygen of laughter = DAWN POWELL ... !!! ... But laughter cannot survive without the hydrogen of gravitas = PAUL OLIVERIO

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Morals And Food And Three Quotes




The high moral road is paved with sour grapes.
Morals only make sense to a man
with a full stomach.
He opened a food store
to make money,
not to make morals.






  1. Are humans the only life form
    that promotes
    food waste?

    What immoral beings we are.

  2. The immoral beings we are
    by promoting food waste–
    do provide a salad bar
    for other species
    who have no truck
    with morals.

  3. Invite them to the table then.

    1. If their table manners are better
      than mine and they don't get
      any hair, feathers, or claws
      in the food, they would be
      welcome at our table.
