One hundred years ago, a white man named
Cornelius Vanderbilt was the wealthiest man
in the United States not named Rockefeller.
One hundred years ago,
Being in the Green
was an expression
that meant you had
a lot of money.
Only Mr. Rockefeller
was greener than
Mr. Vanderbilt. ➞
The opposite of
Being in the Green
meant being dirt poor.
The opposite of Being in the Green
meant having the blues.
One hundred years ago, the most talented people
having the blues were musicians who were
either black men or black women.
and today the most talented blues musician
in the United States not named Buddy Guy
is the great grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt.
His name is John Hammond.
He is white on the outside but black on the inside.
Click here to hear him sing THE WALKING BLUES.
One hundred years ago,
Cornelius Vanderbilt owned
the equivalent of one billion mules!
recorded a duet with the inimitable TOM WAITS
(a/k/a, illegitimate grandson of Louis Armstrong).
A verse from this previously posted song goes like this:
See that little Jersey girl
in the see-through top,
with the peddle pushers
sucking on a soda pop,
sucking on a soda pop,
well i bet she's still a virgin
but it's only twenty-five 'til nine,
you can see a million of 'em
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