It began as the GODFATHER OF MATH, evolved into the GOODFATHER OF MATH. Now this. Go figure...

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = G. CARLIN...Stain glass, engraved glass, frosted glass
–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES ... Music is the mathematics of the gods=PYTHAGORAS ... Nothing is more fluid than language = R. L. SWIHART
I cannot live without the oxygen of laughter = DAWN POWELL ... !!! ... But laughter cannot survive without the hydrogen of gravitas = PAUL OLIVERIO

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Albert Camus #10: Why We Praise People Only After They Die


Albert Camus
The Fall

  Where on earth
is this great thinker
still a stranger? 

The next 
is  here 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

They First Met In 1865, When Alice In Wonderland Was Published


According to
the Institute of Inane Research,
the Walrus and the Carpenter
had a 2018 reunion
at the Oyster Bar
in downtown Long Beach

It was Happy Hour
but nobody else was happy

To celebrate the reunion,
the owner of the bar
gave everyone free oysters

But nobody would eat them
because all of the oysters
had feet
(with smelly little sneakers)

Nobody would eat them
except, of course,
the Walrus and the Carpenter
who could not have been

This is how they looked in 1865

is the copyrighted property
of the Lewis Carroll School of Logic

The story of Alice in Wonderland,
named for 10-year-old Alice Liddell,
was conceived in a rowboat on

Albert Camus #9 ... About The "Essential Thing" In Life


The essential
is to cease being free
to obey
—in repentance—
 a greater rogue than oneself

When we are
all guilty,
that will be

The Fall

The words are from Camus verbatim
but the formatting is mine

The previous eight GodFather of Math pages
about Albert Camus are not
linked together

But ALL future
GoFather/Camus pages
will be linked
and the next one is

Friday, October 26, 2018

Another DJ-Verio Playlist ... #571428 ... My Verse, His Horn


dark jazz and a full moon
will send your soul 
into a swoon

said the hipster
who was a fan of


Photoverio #345: The Creature Of The Long Beach Peninsula


© Oliverio
The Long Ness Monster 

Will He Fall Again In The FALL CLASSIC?


Clayton Kershaw 
may be the greatest pitcher
of his generation

But in the first game of
the 2018 World Series,
at Boston' Fenway Park,
he fell through 
the looking glass
and impersonated
a Banksy portrait 

What Kershaw threw
at the other team
might as well have
been flowers
because they blossomed
into too many runs
for the Boston Red Sox
and too much pain
for the Los Angeles Dodgers

The Fall Classic resumes today
in Los Angeles and the Dodgers
will hopefully not resemble 
future flower bombers.

This page was inspired by
Thomas Boswell of the Washington Post

The next GoFather/Banksy page is here

Larry CarPeo And His Over-sized Arrows ... [ pST #41]


Larry has such a big ego,
he insisted on oversized arrows
pointing to his shadow
and himself.

The "sponge wall"
is used by his parents
for bounce-off therapy.

But for Larry,
it is a scratch pad

© Oliverio
He wants to star
in a "Felini" film 


The next page 
in this sequence
has a new title

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

How To Convert Political Statements Into PURE Street Art


is a profound
political statement
but it is not
PURE Street Art

Because all the wall is doing
is serving as a canvas,
impervious to anything
from that street scene
in lower Manhattan

An identical portrait
of a pregnant President
and his humping lover
seen in a gallery
or museum would have
the exact same effect 
despite NOT  being
viewed by pedestrians
outside the gallery 
or museum  

It is Street Art
because it is visible
from the street
by anyone with working eyes...
without having to rub
against the soft shoulders
and snooty attitudes
of museum patrons
But to qualify artwork
as PURE Street Art, it is necessary
to incorporate something—anything
from the immediate environment
of the image

This could be done
to the humping lovers
by simply adding
a  street sign
in the squared red area
to complement
the red street sign
in lower right hand corner


That add-on would have
a directional arrow,
pointing to 
President Trump's anus,
with these words:


 The most elegant example
 of PURE Street Art is
 Banksy's "reproduction" of
Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring

but the pearl earring
is replaced by
the alarm box mounted
on the wall

In other words,
Banksy's "reproduction"
used a wall ornament as
the Starting point
of his art


The next GoFather/Trump page is  here

The next GoFather/Banksy page is  there

The next Street Art Utopia page is elsewhere

But, if affordable, please donate to the
Street Art Utopia website

I apologize for not providing
the name of the artist responsible
of the Humped Trump
(brilliant though it is)

The text of this page is the copyrighted property
of the Lewis Carroll School of Logic.

But it is available for usage
by contacting this website

His Political Portraits Are Superior To His New Showtime Series


The artist is

I scream, you scream
will we ever stop

The actor's Showtime series
is entitled

The next
page is

Monday, October 22, 2018

Photoverio #344: The Laundered Inversion of Total Fashion


© Oliverio
Dedicated to Richard Estes 

How To Become The Funniest Woman In The World


I would stand
in front of a mirror
and talk to myself
until I fell asleep


Sunday, October 21, 2018

"Can We Dance?" I Asked ... If You Won't I Will


I asked the words
               to dance
but they were all

So I had the dance
             to myself

I owned the dance
    I loved it and it
              loved me

But no one saw it
    or read a word
                about it

(damn those wallflowers)
 none was written

         And no one
 could hear my feet   

        as they were

               My eyes
were twice as sad

              My soul
    put up a picket fence          
   and put locks on all       
              the doors 

the spirit moves me    
            and I visit the      

       I ask them to
 and they send me 



  is the copyrighted property
                              of LCSoL

                 I think I know why    

It happens when happy feet
                     make only one
                        person happy

A Poem By G. Murray Thomas


Someone is dialing wrong numbers
on my windshield.
The broken glass is an illegible scrawl
across my driver’s seat.
I can only make out
a few angry obscenities.
I never use language like that.
I wonder whose phone number
is printed on my license plate.
Someone is dialing wrong numbers
on my windshield.
The message on my answering machine
is asking for spare change.
“Just twenty cents, please,
so I can make another call.”
Someone is dialing wrong numbers
on my windshield.
When I answer the phone, a voice asks
about the earthquake last night.
“Did you feel it too?”
But it was just helicopters, low over the house,
their searchlights checking my driveway
for drug dealers, prostitutes 
and kids with skateboards.
Or else one of those monster jobs
out of Pendleton, hauling Marines off
to exercises somewhere,
I hope it’s just practice this time.
Someone is dialing wrong numbers
on my windshield.
And faxing me bills
for toys I never bought.
I don’t even own a TV, 
what would I want with
the Time-Life video cassette library
of history’s greatest massacres,
complete with annual updates.
Someone is dialing wrong numbers
on my windshield,
and spray painting graffiti on my tailgate
and telling me it’s art.
There’s even a price tag on it.
I can tell it’s the real thing,
because the price is so damn high.
Someone is dialing wrong numbers
on my windshield.
The ringing in my ears
is an alarm clock ticking.




A Midnight Poem About Cotton Candy + Copasetic Incantations


When her moans and groans
replace her brain and bones
then flower with fear

I stuff cotton candy
in my ear

My mouth fills with sweet nothings
that can amount to something
Yes Dear
Of course, Dear
I am so sorry
I will never do that again

That something is
a taste of tranquility

Always preferred to
a distaste of disability 



is the copyrighted property
of LCSoL

Look Who Is Coming To Town ...


That is,
if you live in the same town
as the guy with the heart face

Photographed by
Alfredo Estrella 


IWICSIPT: I Wish I Coulda Said I Photographed This


I didn't
but I was
the Art Director

That is,
I asked my 
walking mate
to photograph it
and he did so

(despite being distracted
by a girl in a pink halter)

The day I walked
with Ansel Adams

Three Views Of Palmarea ... Close, Closer, Closest (But Bleached)


© Oliverio (3x)
Across Alamitos Bay

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Photoverio #343: Shadows Upon Shadows


© Oliverio
Outside Our Door
(Maybe Seen Before) 

Friday, October 19, 2018

Photoverio #342: Some Call It "Abstract Art" While Others Say ...


"It's just a sheet of wood"

© Oliverio
It's all of the above

There Is No Poverty In The Words Of ... Poor Richard's Almanack


here comes Glib Tongue
there drives Passion

Benjamin Franklin
Poor Richard's Almanack

Another page from
Poor Richard appears 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

It's A Mental Can Can Dance And A Call To All Math Teachers


If I were their age...

I'd bet the house on

But I'm older
than the combined age
of the four female champion
pictured here
and would have to compete
against fellow Seniors

I would not win
the grand prize
it was awarded to
the contestant
who provided the most
comic relief

It behooves me
to include Math teachers
in the title
because the KENKEN puzzle
is a treasure trove of
basic number theory

Number theory
can be defined
as what numbers
would say
if they ever spent time
    on a psychiatrist's couch

Though some call it 
    "Number Therapy"     

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

This Is Just A Pick-Up Service



Monday, October 15, 2018

Dr. Fabricato And His Audience Of One


The performer is lying on a sofa. She is a conjuror in repose.

Nancy Mathis stares at the  ceiling as if it were a picture album and a quote from her father popped into her mind.

“Excuse me ladies, but this is my bowling night. Nancy, you will have a wonderful time at your prom tomorrow.”

The ladies consisted of Natalie's mother and two sisters.

Nothing about that evening was worth mentioning to the doctor. There was no drama or trauma on the night before her prom but that was not a problem for Nancy Mathis, an aspiring actress.

After we finished dinner, my father said “Okay, sweets, let’s go for ice cream.”
It was just the two of us so we drove to Baskin Robbins and my Dad waited in the car because he hates the musak they played in the ice cream store.
I got a half-gallon of Rocky Road to take home and for my father, I got a chocolate cone. It was all with his money, of course.  I ordered my favorite cone: cherry vanilla with sprinkles.

We ate our ice cream in the car and my father told me a dumb joke about a traveling salesman. It wasn’t really funny but I laughed anyway and spilled a gob of ice cream on my denim cut-offs. Father  immediately  cleaned  my  lap  with  a  napkin  and  then handpicked each and every chocolate sprinkle...

Do not expect this author to add any licentious details but Nancy Mathis certainly did.

Audience participation made sure of that but the performance ended when a bell rang.

The aspiring actress arose from the sofa but did not take a bow.

She reached into her purse and gave the man in the audience an autograph. 

It was written on the bottom of a check for $150 made out to Dr. Fabricato, her personal audience of one.

The  performance  lasted  fifty-three  minutes.
Performer paying audience is the anti-theater of the Recovered Memory Movement.

The RMM is an archeological expedition wherein the therapist, instead of  excavating the specific soil of a patient's past, directs the patient to the nearest toxic wasteland where facts never hinder theatrical victimization.

is the copyrighted property of LCSoL

Photoverio #341: The Source Of Light


© Oliverio
Outside Our Door

They Were There To Be Blessed


These animals had not decided
that they needed
to be blessed

That was the choice
of their human owners

Humans being
the only species
to believe in
"getting blessed" 

Belmont Shore


Saturday, October 13, 2018

A Quote For The Lonely


People who live alone
get used to loneliness

"Goodreads" has 2,861
quotes from Scott Fitzgerald.

This is one of them.

The next GoFather/Fitzgerald
page is  here.

Photoverio #340: A Jagged Slice Of Cloud


© Oliverio
Outside Our Door

The Man Who Failed To Fulfill His Boyhood Dream


I wanted to be a cop ever since
I was five years old. 
Not because of the uniform;
not because of the gun;
because of the whistle.

It was some kind
of oral fixation thing.

So I took the policeman's test
after graduating from high school
but failed because they would not
allow me to put
a Winchell's Donut sticker
on the patrol car.  

Originally written in 1999,
is the copyrighted property of LCSoL

The 109th Bullet: A Segue Worth Avoiding


Intelligence segues into stupidity
when the master builder
insists on building
castles made of sand
in the middle of the lake.

is the copyrighted property of  LCSoL.
Only the first 45 Bullets are linked together
because we do not want to make life easy
for our favorite thieves.

The Alternative To Having A Tuba Player In Your Bathroom


The article continues

The title was suggested by
Mrs. CarPeo

Friday, October 12, 2018

Another DJ-Verio Playlist ... #428571 ... The Greta Garbo Home


My name is Jack
and I live in the back
of the Greta Garbo home
for wayward boys and girls

There's lots of fun
and I love to run
up and down the stairs
I make as much noise as I want
and no one ever cares.

My Name is Jack