It began as the GODFATHER OF MATH, evolved into the GOODFATHER OF MATH. Now this. Go figure...

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = G. CARLIN...Stain glass, engraved glass, frosted glass
–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES ... Music is the mathematics of the gods=PYTHAGORAS ... Nothing is more fluid than language = R. L. SWIHART
I cannot live without the oxygen of laughter = DAWN POWELL ... !!! ... But laughter cannot survive without the hydrogen of gravitas = PAUL OLIVERIO

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

What Robertson Davies Said About EDMUND WILSON


His dissatisfaction with God
appears to have rested
on the fact that
God cannot be argued with,
bombarded with human reason
and made to give
Much faith is childish, of course:
But atheism also has
its childish and pompous



  1. Where exactly does Mr. Robertson say this about Mr. Wilson?

  2. On page 103 of "The Enthusiasms of Robertson Davies."

    It behooves me to mention that EDMUND WILSON,
    who was a Princeton classmate and lifelong friend/defender
    of F. Scott Fitzgerald, was also America's greatest essayist
    but a shitty novelist
