It began as the GODFATHER OF MATH, evolved into the GOODFATHER OF MATH. Now this. Go figure...

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = G. CARLIN...Stain glass, engraved glass, frosted glass
–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES ... Music is the mathematics of the gods=PYTHAGORAS ... Nothing is more fluid than language = R. L. SWIHART
I cannot live without the oxygen of laughter = DAWN POWELL ... !!! ... But laughter cannot survive without the hydrogen of gravitas = PAUL OLIVERIO

Monday, September 12, 2022

This Page Is Dedicated To My Doubting Thomas Readers


This is my therapist:
Dr. Raft is about to climb
what he referred to as

I get Vicarious Thrills from my Doctor


  1. Is there any chance your doctor doctored his image?

    1. None whatsoever. He is in South Dakota
      with his wife and [probably] their son.
      Dr. Raft has been rappelling
      for more than half his life

    2. He doesn't look a day over fifty.

    3. I'm certain he will be very flattered by that comment.
      He is exactly eleven months younger than me.

      He sent me those images this morning
      but allow me this opportunity to say
      a few words about Our Fathers.

      My Dad was once described as
      A mixologist with the precision
      of a Heidelberg chemist.

      Dr. Raft's Dad has his autograph
      on the moon, along with other scientists
      from Grummans of Bethpage

      Our Fathers met only briefly—in 1970—
      and,according to my Dad, they discussed
      swapping their sons.

      I presently need to say some prayers
      in hope that Dr. Raft will allow
      this page to exist as such

    4. Is there any chance you are willing to post
      a link for Grumman's contribution
      to the moon landing?

    5. Here it is:
